# Overview

Feathers database adapters are modules that provide services that implement standard CRUD (opens new window) functionality for a specific database using a common API for initialization and settings and providing a common query syntax.

Important: Services allow to implement access to any database, the database adapters listed here are just convenience wrappers with a common API. You can still get Feathers functionality for databases that are not listed here. Also have a look at the list of community database adapters (opens new window)

The following databases are supported:

Database Adapter
In memory feathers-memory (opens new window), feathers-nedb (opens new window)
Localstorage, AsyncStorage feathers-localstorage (opens new window)
WebSQL, IndexedDB, and Localstorage @feathersjs-offline/feathers-localforage (opens new window)
Filesystem feathers-nedb (opens new window)
MongoDB feathers-mongodb (opens new window), feathers-mongoose (opens new window)
MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, MSSQL feathers-knex (opens new window), feathers-sequelize (opens new window)
Elasticsearch feathers-elasticsearch (opens new window)
Objection feathers-objection (opens new window)
Cassandra feathers-cassandra (opens new window)

# Memory/Filesystem



# Offline-first

In situations where you would like to enable full offline support for your database you might want to take a look at:

Anything unclear or missing? Get help (opens new window) or Edit this page (opens new window)

Last Updated: 11/17/2020, 3:17:03 PM