# Auth0

To enable OAuth logins with Auth0 (opens new window), we need the following settings after creating an application:

Auth0 application

This should be added in your configuration (usually config/default.json) as follows:

"authentication": {
  "oauth": {
    "redirect": "/",
    "auth0": {
      "key": "<Client ID>",
      "secret": "<Client Secret>",
      "subdomain": "<Domain without auth0.com",
      "scope": ["openid", "profile", "email"]

Important: subdomain should be the "Domain" from the application settings without the auth0.com part. So, in the screenshot above, the subdomain for dev-6gqkmpt6.auth0.com would be dev-6gqkmpt6. If the subdomain includes a region, it needs to be included as well so the subdomain for dev-6gqkmpt6.us.auth0.com would be dev-6gqkmpt6.us

# Strategy

To use Auth0 in the chat application from the Feathers guide we have to do the same modifications as already shown for the GitHub login in the authentication guide.

    Additionally, auth0Id needs to be included in the data in the users service class.

    Anything unclear or missing? Get help (opens new window) or Edit this page (opens new window)

    Last Updated: 11/17/2020, 3:17:03 PM